TLD Blogs

Patch 6.6.1

Vendors Inbound -> Qualification Time This works as other a data point reference for the qualification time to be charged on an inbound vendor. There is a system option that will allow you to show the QT time on the lead itself for those of you not using the Dialer. Just enable it and if […]

Patch 6.6.0

TLDialer Live TLDialer is now working with all basic functions needed to run the agent. Ask us about getting started with it. We are still currently testing and modifying. SeeĀ our TLDialer Vicidial Beta Post for more details. Let us know if you want to start using it! Dialer Changes When changing a converted leads status, […]

TLDialer – Vicidial Integration Beta

Our Integrated Vici solution is ready to go live, and is available for Beta testing to any of our users using our Vici solution. It should be seamless and require no setup on your end, just shoot us an email if you would like to try it out. TLDCRM can now control VICIDIAL instances that […]

Patch 6.5.12

Lead Documents It is now possible up upload documents to the lead itself, alongside the policy documents. You must have upload_documents permission, or verifier or higher to view and upload. Bugfixes and Improvements Made filters query faster. Uses Caching and 1 query instead of multiple Allowed omnis to edit custom fields. Made it so that […]

Patch 6.5.11

Uploader Added ability to Update Lead when a duplicate lead if found. This works alongside the attach notes / policies / dependents to lead feature. Coming Soon! Update Policy based on Criteria Lead New Lead Fields Assigned ID / Assigned Agent This field is meant to allow you to assign a lead to an agent […]

Patch 6.5.10

Uploader Added Options Button to Uploader Dupe Criteria You can now override default dupe check to check by the following Name (First and Last) Phone All Phones (1 OR 2 OR 3) Email Address (Like) City (Like) State County (Like) Zipcode (Like) Reference ID Referrer Attach Notes / Policies / Dependents to Dupes This will […]

Patch 6.5.9

We added a ton of life insurance based fields this patch, don’t worry though! If you don’t want them you can disable them in the Options section under Data and Hide Policy Fields. These new fields will give us more flexibility in the future and all have been standardized per our research. If we are […]

Patch 6.5.8

Product Validations We have made some major modifications so that when you change carriers in the carrier select menu on the dialer screen, we now do a lookup in the database for any rules related to this product. This will provide us with many useful features to come (including some basic pricing auto fill capability). […]

Patch 6.5.7

Mobile and Style Updates Newer Table sections (leads, policies) will not convert to a list of cards instead of a table when a mobile device is detected. It also is responsive based on what device it is (iPad, iPhone, etc). We will update other older sections soonish. Fixed some styles on the Admin Dashboard main […]

Patch 6.5.6

Minor updates in this patch. Responsive Update & Dialer Mods Dialer Info more responsive Cleaned up Menu, tabs, and more. Hid new slider sidebar when in mobile view. Centered Name when in small view. Stacked buttons and Lead ID when in Small view Leads Made more responsive. Should be easier to use in Mobile view […]