Alexander Conroy

Best Practices for Requesting Support

Reaching out to customer support can be a daunting task. Whether you are a seasoned user or totally new, navigating through an unfamiliar system or encountering tricky issues can be frustrating.  But fear not! Here at Total Lead Domination, we want to empower you to get the most out of our support channels. In this […]

Changes to 10DLC and How is Affects Brokers

You may have noticed that more messages than usual have been getting blocked in TLMessenger. This is happening due to some policy changes with 10DLC that is targeting brokers and sales agents in all industries. While these changes are frustrating, our team is working hard to help you navigate through them.  What is 10DLC and […]

Disable Windows Efficiency Mode for Google Chrome on Windows 11

A new Windows 11 update “Feature” has begun throttling all browsers including Google Chrome called “Windows Efficiency Mode”. To Disable it ALL Shortcuts for Chrome will need to be updated. If not updated, every shortcut will open in Efficiency Mode. This includes shortcuts Quick Launch, Desktop Shortcuts, and Start Menu. If you are experiencing Tab/Browser Crashes, or […]

Patch 8.1.0

TLMessenger Text Message (SMS) Canned (Preset) Responses is finally here…it’s finally here. You asked for this one for quite a while, so here it is! With some advanced features as well! FYI, for details, open up a SMS window, click the “?” icon next to the chat tab in TLMessenger. Canned Responses ( Present Text […]

Patch 8.0.1

Our latest updates introduce some new features and functionality and some Qualify of Life updates. Most of these are edge cases. SMS A List of Banned Words and Phrases can be added to your account now under Settings -> Options -> Features. Please enter a comma separated list of the words you want to return […]

Patch 8.0.0

Get ready, this is over a years worth of patch notes, we finally got these sorted and are ready to release patch notes on a more regular schedule again. Here we go! Dashboards Admin Dashboard Added average premium lead to admin dashboard. Agent Dashboard We have prettied up the Agent Dashboard a little and are […]

The Event – Technical Analysis of Downtime Due to Lack of Audio Data via WebRTC RTP on August 31st, 2020.

General Timeline: Sunday ~3AM -6AM PST – Level 3 / CenturyLink goes down. Cloudflare is affected taking down major services and websites globally. All traffic to Level 3 returns 500 error codes (Missing or Invalid Routes). Sunday ~6AM PST – Cloudflare reroutes traffic around CenturyLink, some services are still affected particularly those on or near […]

Patch 7.5.5

Asterisk AMD Patch VICIDial Core Updates and TLDialer Replication Support Asterisk 13.21.0 Patched and rebuilt with SIP Logging Capability and a fix to Asterisk 13’s AMD Hanging on No Audio Issue. SIP Logging helps debug issues with calls that involves more than just Asterisk CLI, AGI, or AMI commands as it allows us to store […]

Patch 7.5.0

Lots of things have changed since the last patch, and we have been slacking on updating our version number! The reason for the jump in the version change is two-fold. TLDialer VICIDIAL Cluster Support, and the rewrite of the TLDSIP Softphone. Most other changes had to do with reports and minor bug fixes as well […]

Patch 7.0.6

TLDialer Changes and Updates TLDialer 2.0 We did a bit of an OVERHAUL on our TLDialer Apps system, which allow us to connect directly into the internals of the dialer and modify behavior and allows us to do things like State Routing. We now have a fully dynamic system, that follows our own patterns and […]