TLD Blogs

Patch 5.2.0

Callbacks You can now set more than one callback per lead, and you don’t need to clear the previous callback. Callback Maximums are still in effect. Login Login attempts are now logged in the system, along with the session they were logged in on. We record all information regarding the login source. Login now has […]

Patch 5.1.5

Changed system font to Open Sans. Whole system should have a cleaner look. Added Font Awesome Icon Set. Fixed issue with Changing Columns in Lead Screen Now unsetting all checkboxes will return back to Default Settings. Dialer Lead Page has been Reorganized to be less daunting. Broken into Sections: Main, Medical, Insurance, Marketing and Admin […]

Patch 5.1.0

New Payment Type Check New Field: check_number in relation to Check. *Must be enabled under “Fields”. Disabled by default. New Filters All new filters that have multi checkboxes include the NOT feature, which allows you to search for selections that do NOT included what is selected. Users Roles Abilities Status Language Modified Date Created Date […]

Patch 5.0.5

Added Language, Language Code on Lead and Policy Exports Added Product, Carrier and Plan Descriptions to Exports Fixed an issue with Date Effective Filters in Policies Vendors You can now redirect successes or errors when posting to Vendors to whereever you like. A Success and Error URL must be provided The URL will be appended […]

Patch 5.0.1

New Features Insured Premium (Field Existed, was not on Lead Form). Insured Carrier (Select what Carrier the current lead has). Insured Intent (Does the insured intent to keep or switch their insurance). NOT Checkboxes on lead Multi-checkbox fields. Allows the user to select which items are NOT in a specific selection. Added NOT Checkboxes to […]

Patch 5.0

User Abilities There is now a section on the User Permissions called “Abilities” which is split from roles. Abilities allow for fine grained permission in the system. “Verify” allows an agent to self Verify and Submit policies. This does not allow them to cancel them. “Cancel” allows and agent to Cancel policies. It does not allow […]

Patch 4.98

Options Options menu switched to Radio Dials for ease of use. Hide Client Menu Option for those who don’t want certain tabs. Agent of Record Added as Option to Policies (As opposed to selling Agent, to help determine who it is written under) Bill Me Later on Policies can be Hidden Paid on Policies can […]

Patch 4.95

New Lead Fields Fields have been added to Vendor Mappings and Relay Mappings as well as show on the dialer screen under Contact. annual_income (number) Fixed ACAExpress Integration to use Annual Income. newsletter (checkbox) used to mark the client has opted in for a newsletter marketing (checkbox) used to mark the client has opted in […]

Patch 4.90

Document Uploader You can now attach documents to individual policies (To Contact / Lead coming next) Documents can be downloaded after uploaded. Documents can have descriptions. Max 10mb Files File Types Accepted: pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|zip|7z|rar|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|txt|tiff Files are stored on our server securely and backed up nightly. There is no direct access to files you must go through the […]

Run your Live Transfer Health Insurance Leads Business through TLDCRM

Sell your live transfers through TLDCRM! We make integration between your lead sources and clients easy and transparent, from our relay system to our reports, tracking charges, expenses, and costs has never been easier. We’re here to let you focus on selling your leads in real time as they come in, or as live transfers with […]