TLD CRM BoostPatch 6.4.0

This patch is a pretty big one, as it reworks the entire leads section. The way this section works will become the template for others including Policies, etc in the future. For now we are looking for feedback on the new interface changes.


  •  Theory
    • The idea now is that you choose what you want to see. Even if you are searching for something, you must select the columns you want, we will no longer autopopulate related columns as they may not be relevant to your search. The new column builder is very easy to use and update. You can search by pretty much anything and the system will recognize which tables need to be joined. We have optimized both the select and the join statements to only include what is needed. This has increased performance significantly and reduces server load and delays to pushing data to the client. The joins work based off of both your search parameters as well as your columns selected. We are considering to add appointments, policies, callbacks and favorites into this section which would make it work more like a form builder than anything else.
  • Columns
    • The column builder has been completely reworked from the multi-checkbox method that was dependent on the lead_columns meta, and is now based off of internal model data. This is going to be our new template going forward.
    • The column builder will show you a list of tags, with alternating colors for each. Each letter of the alphabet is sorted by a different color in a staggered pattern. We may remove this or revise it if it seems like too much information or it is too messy. We have experimented with gradients and solid colors and felt this was the best visually so far.
    • The column tags are ordered alphabetically. On a standard screen you can see almost all of the tags immediately.
    • You can filter tags by typing in the filter box. If you type a single letter it will filter to only those tags that start with that letter. More than one letters will search the entire word for the presence of those letters.
    • Clicking add all will add all tags to the selected columns
      • If you have filtered tags, it will only add the tags currently filtered.
    • Clicking remove all will remove all columns from the selected columns
    • If no tags are selected, the leads section will default to a preset query setting.
    • You can click on a tag to add it to the selected columns.
    • You can click on a tag in the selected columns to remove it from that section.
    • You can drag a tag to add it to the selected columns.
    • You can drag a tag in the selected columns to reorder the position in which it appears from left to right in the table.
  • Exports
    • Exports will now export exactly what you have selected in the column builder.
  • Filter Menus
    • Filter menus now save wether they are open or not on refresh, as well as which tab you where on. This way you can navigate away without having to reopen the filter menu.
  • Grouping Options
    • You can now choose to group your data by Notes or Dependents. This will allow you to see each Dependent and Note on a lead. Otherwise it will not be grouped and only show one note or dependent. There are some aggregate columns that have been added so you can get total notes and total dependents if desired.  These can be found in the new column builder.
    • If you group by notes and select the “notes” field, which is a total count of notes, the count will be 1, since you are looking at each individual note. Removing the Group option will show the total notes on that lead. This works the same for CSR Requests, which will give you a total amount of CSR Requests. We will add more aggregate fields in the future.
    • There is a tooltip to explain grouping options if you click the grouping options text.
  • Filter Multi-checkboxes
    • Every multi-check box that has more than 11 elements in it will automatically have a input at the top that allows you to filter by simply typing. No more scrolling looking for lead vendors! The search tries to match any pattern of text you put in wether it is at the beginning or end. Typing in a single entry will only search for the first letter of each word, which is handy if you just want to see one letter of the alphabet, not every option with that letter in it.
    • Scrollbars have been removed for checkboxes with 11 items.
  • Sorting
    • Sorting now has a click component where you can click the header of the table to alternate between sorting ascending or descending. There is an icon that lets you know what it is currently sorted by. This automatically changes the order and sort parameters and refreshes the query.
  • Custom Fields
    • Custom fields can now be searched through. We are working on a way to display JSON Data for Multi-checkboxes properly. The query portion works and you will see a list of ID’s related to it if you select a multi-checkbox column.
  • Lead ID Column
    • The Lead ID column has been fixed a bit to make sure it stays in place and looks more uniform. The button has also been updated to our fontawesome iconset over the old glyphicons which are being phased out.
  • Marketing Fields
    • Added marketing fields to Lead section that were missing including tracking_id, campaign_id, page, referrer and ip_address.
  • CSR and Notes
    • Standardized format for displaying these fields as well as their respective search filters.
    • Removed CSR Date Modified (it’s the same as Note Modified)
  • Medical Levelz
    • Was displaying in the list but search wasn’t working. Fixed now.
  • Medicare
    • Date searches for Part A and B now added.
  • Other fields
    • The following fields have been added and searchable
      • Gender
  • Radio Buttons
    • Some radio buttons where removed and replaced with normal checkboxes. Options have been simplified for Notes and CSR’s
  • Touchpoints
    • Touchpoints only show aggregate data, and more aggregate data has been added in the column builder.
  • Disable while Loading
    • You can no longer click again while waiting for something to load. This could cause issues and overwritten results with click happy people. Sorry!

Filter Templates

Filter templates are a new thing! Currently they only work with the leads section but here is what you can do with them.

  • Save Filter
    • When you press Save filter you will be presented with a popup to save the current filter. At minimum you must provide a name. You can use the description field to give yourself some notes as to what it is meant to do.
    • Managers or higher can opt to set the search as global or personal.
      • They can also turn global searches into personal searches. Be careful!
    • Anyone below manager level can only create personal searches, but they can load global ones! They cannot edit global ones.
    • To delete a filter you can check the Delete this filter checkbox when editing it.
  • Load Filter
    • When you select a filter and press the load filter button it will immediatly set the columns session to the columns found in the Filter template and then refresh the screen with the desired parameters.


  • Exports now bring up a popup that asks if you want to export all, or just the current columns displayed.  The export PHI checkbox has been moved to this area as well and removed from the search bar.
  • You can also choose to export all results here by default, or just the limit imposed in the search bar as well as change the limit right there.
  • With limited columns, you can now export up to 100,000 leads at a time if needed.

Commissions Received

We made some changes to this section per request and greater understanding of the process we are jumping into with commissions.

  • Added the following fields
  • chargeback_id
    • This is a reference to another commissions received row in which the chargeback was related to so we can calculate the loss.
  • trueup_id
    • This is in reference to another commissions partial payment received so we can calculate if there is any remaining balance.
  • type_id
    • You can now select a commission entry type from the following types:
      • Residual
      • Partial
      • Trueup
      • Final
      • Advance
      • Chargeback
      • First
      • Full
    • These types may be used in the future for reconciliations or commissions calculations as well as auditing.

Data Settings

  • Treat Ancillary Products as Ancillary Policies
    • This is a global account setting that will be worked into all reports and statistics in the system regarding primary and ancilary.
    • Currently some of the system calculated ancillary and primary by the product type. The dashboard was recently modified to split them by Primary ID(a feature from patch 6.2.10) This option now affects the dashboard if set. The rest of the system will be set up later to use the same method for splitting primary and ancillary. By default it will be based on primary_id alone but you can still choose to opt primary policy ancillary products as ancillary if you like.
    • The reason this was done is because it could cause confusion for some people who do not consider standalone ancillary products as primary policies.
  • Disable Exports
    • You can now disable exports in the options menu. This will stop all exports from working in the system. Any attempts will be recorded and will be marked as superadmin-lock for the file name and show 0 records.
    • There is a Omni user setting for this reserved for system administrators at Esotech. If you see omni-lock this means that we have detected suspicious activity and temporarily disabled your exports. You can only fix this by calling us and resolving the issue. This allows us to protect you from runaway managers, partners or anyone else that you had given admin or higher access too and can take off with your data.