TLD CRM BoostPatch 6.5.2


  • Mass Customize Fields. Turn them on and off in bulk, or reorder them in bulk.


  • Mass Customize Products. Turn them on and off in bulk, or reorder them in bulk.


  • You can now clone permissions from another user! Just use the mass edit tool under users.
    • Beware this will drop any permissions they had!
    • You can’t clone their permissions if the permissions would be higher level than you!

Lead Posts

  • Now checks for dupes by Email if provided.
    • The post system always allowed either phone or email, and always accepted a lead if it had one or the other but never checked for dupes via email.
  • Fixed an issue where no actions where being inserted on a lead when a lead was posted, making it impossible to untrash.


  • You can now set dupe checker to by Criteria.
    • This was already in but not enabled on live until it was tested.
  • Clone Vendors
    • You can clone vendors just like cloning relays. The only difference is it will UNSET the Inbound phones for the clone since an inbound phone cannot be assigned to more than one vendor.

Vendor Logs

  • Performance Tuning:
    • Vendor Logs have had account ID added to them for increase query performance.

Action Logs

  • Performance Tuning:
    • Action Logs have had account ID added to them for increase query performance.

Relay Logs

  • Performance Tuning:
    • Relay Logs have had account ID added to them for increase query performance.

Auto Term

  • Auto term had it’s main query rewritten to support new account_id’s on policies. Much faster now.
    • Also fixed a bug where it wasn’t running for some, (timing out).


  • Added is_terming flag. This allows you to only send on the final term, when the Terms matches the Current Term. this is useful for sending renewal messages or renewals to your dialer when your multi-term policy is about to lapse or lapses.

Agent Production Report

  • Now that we have tuned the action logs, we have enabled the agent production report, which tells you what an agent has modified in the system. We were hesitant to release this when we weren’t able to effectively query by account id without creating temp tables. Yay!