Alexander Conroy

Patch 6.6.14

TLDialer Add Users to Ingroups from TLDCRM! It is now possible to add Users to Ingroups while Editing or Adding a user! There will be a Multi-checkbox that will show the currently allowed Ingroups for the user, this list is also filterable for quick searches. When adding or Updating a user, we now automatically upsert […]

Patch 6.6.13

Vendor Lead Posts – Custom Fields Receive Custom Lead Fields You can now receive Custom Fields via Lead Vendor Posting. The Vendors have a new option called “Import Custom Lead Fields” When Enabled, the Post Map will show a mapping section for Custom Lead Fields This will only show custom lead field maps that have […]

Patch 6.6.12

TLDSIP TLDSIP Interface will now show at the bottom left corner of this Dialer screen. When logged into the Dialer, the TLDSIP Bar will disappear. You can call an external number with the TLDSIP Interface, there is no need to add a 9 or 1, they will be stripped and the 9 and 1 added […]

Patch 6.6.11

TLDSip TLDSIP Webphone now has it’s own interface.  It will allow you to make generic outbound calls or calls to extensions. TLDialer Transfer Groups The Transfer Dropdown now respects the Transfer Groups set in the Campaign. It also will show the Ingroup Description instead of the ID now. The Color of the Group Configured in […]

Call Barging in TLDialer

It is now possible to Call Barge in TLDialer. This feature requires your user to have a TLDialer Webphone configured. It can be done from any Browser and operating system except for iOS Currently, as the WebRTC Connection does not seem to be working. We will try to resolve this issue so you could use […]

Patch 6.6.10

Database Upgrade We are now running AWS Aurora mySQL 5.7 Compatible DB. This gives us access to some neat Database functions that work well with some of the methods we use in the system, particularly the JSON Data Format!! Socket Server Some huge things coming using Sockets technology! This is just the beginning. It is […]

Patch 6.6.9

TLDialer Block Number added as a Button on the Lead Status Sidebar under Trash This will Block ALL numbers on the lead. Must be Super Admin, Admin, or have Block Numbers ability. Must have a Default Block Filter Group set in TLDialer Options UnBlock Number added as a Button on the Lead Status Sidebar under […]

Patch 6.6.8

TLDialer Added Live Agents to TLDialer This will eventually be more robust than the Real Time Report in Vicidial Created way to inherit nested schemas. (Lots to come from this one!) Removed Lead Upload Button from Recordings (Wasn’t supposed to be there). DEAD calls now properly show as Dead. Quick Search Made it so that […]

Patch 6.6.7

TLDSIP Webphone Our TLDialer Solution now has a build in Webphone. It is now no longer necessary to install the TLDSIP Softphone on a computer once configured correctly. On load of TLDialer the TLSIP Webphone will auto load and auto register based on the users configured credentials. On connect to TLDialer, the TLDSIP Webphone will […]

Patch 6.6.5

TLDialer – Total Lead Dialer (Native Integrated Vicidialer) Changes and Improvements Developed and Launched TLDialer Socket Server Speed Improvements: Now relies on Server pushing data, instead of requesting it. Should be much faster. No More Throttle: No more throttled tab when quoting in another tab. Google Chrome does not throttle tabs with Websockets open, as […]