TLD CRM BoostPatch 7.0.3


  • When an agent loads a TLDialer Lead via a Live Call, whether Manual, Inbound or AutoDial we now remove any leads from the hopper with that Dialer / Lead ID.
    • We also do this again just in case when the agent Dispositions the lead.
  • We can now have a Filter Phone Group set for Clients. When a lead status is pressed that has a Vici Status with Sale Flag associated, it will add the phone numbers for the lead into the Phone Group. This phone group can be used as a filter on campaigns to make sure your outbounds do not dial leads with phone numbers in this phone group.

TLDialer – Agent CPA Report

  • Agent CPA Report has been Launched. We are still modifying and making better / more features.
  • You can find this Report under TLDialer -> Agent CPA.
  • The Agent CPA Report shows you mixed statistics between TLDialer Calls and Sales for the Agent.
    • In terms of Cost or Spend per Agent, we use a new table called tldialer_first_contacts which attaches all the information regarding the TLD Lead and Dialer Call and it’s Origin (Inbound / Outbound) to determine Cost based on the First Attempt at a Lead.
  • Some new Definitions:
    • We have added some new fields into the Calls section (Inbound and Outbound Logs) to determine 2 main types of calls per log. These are also reflected in the tldialer_first_contacts log and will now be standard terminology throughout the system for the call logs.
      •  Inbounds
        • Queue Calls
          • The call came in via a normal inbound DID Route
        • Direct Calls
          • The call was directly to the agent via DID or a Direct Agent Transfer ( Agent Direct )
      • Outbounds
        • Auto Calls
          • The agent received the lead from the Auto Dialer Campaigns.
        • Manual Calls
          • The agent found or created a lead and dialed it.
  • Overrides
    • Overrides allow you to customize the report in many ways. You can override the following data points:
      • Most of the following overrides are presented so you can create a more flat rate Agent CPA calculation that is not reliant on actual lead cost or actual call counts.
      • Inbound and Outbound Breakdown Costs per Lead against CPA.
        • This overrides the Cost value that is pulled from the first contacts table (which comes from TLD) and does a flat calculation at that rate for that type.
        • You can set the Rate to 0, so you can simply remove certain call types from the calculations for CPA (such as Direct Calls / Callbacks and Manual Dials ) You can also set rates higher for more important calls such as inbounds.
        • Leaving Settings blank will use Costs gathered in the tldialer_first_contacts table.
      • Inbound and Outbound Weights against Conversion Rate.
        • You can use any number (including decimals) to count a call type more than once. The default weight for a call type is 1.
        • This effects the Closing % Calculations so you can give more favor to outbounds over inbounds for example.
      • Penalty Threshold.
        • The Penalty Threshold is the Target CPA, which then is used to compare to the Agent’s Actual CPA to see how high or low they are from hitting the target.
  • Note: The Agent CPA Report CORRECTLY will convert a State Routed Outbound to Inbound Conversion as an Outbound Call. The First Agent to touch it is on the Inbound because of the route.
  • Coming Soon: We are working on making this report dynamic so you can show, hide and rename field labels as you like.

TLDialer – New Custom Table – tldialer_first_contacts

  • This table keeps track who contacted a lead first and by what method. It has the added Caveat of also including the TLD Lead ID, the TLD Lead Cost and the TLD Vendor ID for later reference!
  • This table can give us sums of call counts broken down by user to figure out who “took” a lead, or at least contacted it first for calculating into the Agent CPA Report. This is a little more efficient than using the TLD Action Logs which was our original method. We had to make this table to get this data as there where multiple pain points trying to query the data live without this custom table, as the data required does not exist in the Dialer in an Easy to Access Manner. With this table we are able to bring you up-to-date information quicker so it can be pulled in near-real time (about 1 minute behind) compared to waiting over a minute just for a report to load and thrashing the logs.
    • Pain Point 1: Two Logs, Which one was the first contact, how much was the lead worth in TLD?
    • Pain Point 2: State Routing: Inbounds are Converted to Outbounds and in this special case it needs to be noted quickly and efficiently.

Service Objects Validation

  • For SuperAdmins, a second icon shows up next to Validate Address, which will allow you to override the address and accept it as valid.

Contact Form

  • New Option to Mask Phone numbers from people with Fronter Role Only. If Mask Phones for Fronters and Agents is set, it will not override this setting. Any user with Fronter role will have it masked.
  • Now possible to Change PCP Office to PCP Address
  • Married is now Marital Status, instead of a Boolean options (Yes or No) you can now choose single, separated, widowed or divorced. The Married field still exists and checks for married = 1 or 0 or null, if married is not 1 (married) then it considered the person not married.

Lead Statuses

  • Custom Lead Statuses can now be set to Unassign an Agent from a Lead.


  • You can now move policies to another lead. This option will be available for superadmins only. It is a button called “Move” on the top of a policy. A popup will ask you to find the lead you want to move to or you can just type in the Lead ID. This will move the Policy, Any action logs associated with it, as well as any Lead Meta (Custom fields, etc), Documents and Survey Answers. It will also log on the previous lead that a policy was moved out, and on the receiving lead that it was moved in.


  • Leads can now have 4 decimal places for price tracking, for those of you somehow able to buy leads for less than a penny. Good for you!


  • You can now mass send emails to Policies as well as Leads.

Commissions Received

  • Now forcing Chargebacks in the Breakdown to be Negative as well as calculating the total amounts based off the negative.


  • Fixed a bug with Updating Lead Costs as an Admin. It was not accepting the pennies.
  • Fixed an issue with CSS in Vendor Forms.
  • Fixed Minor Issue when searching for fields by field and id.
  • Fixed issue for Empty object in Live Agents Table.
  • Fixed an issue with DateTime, Time and Date Custom Fields when using the alternative Date formats.
  • Finally found the cause of the issue sometimes causing Dialers to Disconnect, it was due to AWS’s internal DNS Failing. Gotta love DNS. We now have failover DNS’s that should maintain reliability.
  • Fixed up some Queries for more faster on the TLDialer Live Agents Page.


  • Updated to latest jQuery