Alexander Conroy

Patch 6.2.10

Scripts and Rebuttals You can now toggle on Scripts and Rebuttals for Policies. They will show up under the Save Button in every policy. You can find the setting in Options -> Dialer -> Script and Rebuttals on Policies Scripts and Rebuttals on Policies will auto fill policy information as well as lead using the […]

Patch 6.2.9 – Relay Campaigns

Relay campaigns are now live! This opens up tons of possibilities for manipulating and moving data from the TLD System to dialers, SMS, brokers, buyers and more! Relay Campaigns Mailer Campaigns have been merged into “Campaigns” which now work for both mail and Relays based on the same set of parameters. You can choose a […]

Patch 6.2.8

#MOARFIELDS New Dependent Fields Dependents are getting some love! We added a ton of new fields for dependents in this patch that start making dependents feel a lot more like leads. Soon we will have an option to turn a dependent into a lead using the lead or dependents data that has been entered so […]

Patch 6.2.7

More Events Changes Events now support Daily and Weekly Recurring Events. You will be given the option to choose a time begin and end for both of these events. Weekly Events can be set on a specific day of the week. Create multiple Events for different days, this will preserve reporting abilities. You will be […]

Patch 6.2.6

Events Improvements The following have been changed to ID numbers instead of text. They now work with multi-checkboxes in the filters instead of fields. Search has been updated to look through the fields instead of text. Company Event Group Event Type The Appointments for RSVP section has been updated to allow for searches within companies, […]

Patch 6.2.5

Vendor Groups Vendor groups have been added to the system. This works similar to User Groups, but instead of Skill we have Weight. Vendor Groups can found under the leads menu on the left sidebar. Vendor Groups can also be found on the Vendor Page near the mass edit button. You can search in Leads, […]

Patch 6.2.4

Events Improvements When updating or adding a Event, the system will get the longitude and latitude of the location and store it in the event via Google Maps. The Appointments section now has a Distance from Contact dropdown as well as a Search button. When you search it will do a distance search between the […]

Patch 6.2.3

Custom Status Fields You can now add your own custom status fields! Please consult with us before adding them as if they are generic enough for the system we would like to have them in. This should be used for overly specific lead status fields only. You can add a Custom Status Field by going […]

Patch 6.2.2

Multi Checkboxes You can now use shift + Click to select multiple items in the Multi Checkboxes Return Reason We added a special relational field for Return reasons for Medicare This is useful for telling your lead vendors why the lead was rejected. It should work for Live Transfer leads as well. This is not […]

Patch 6.2.1

Lead Statuses The Sidebar now updates immediately upon dispositoning a lead. This prevents people trying to press other buttons after they have had final dispositions. Unconvert You can now Unconvert a Lead that has been converted. It will set the lead to the last known lead status. When you unconvert an Relay Transfer Conversion it […]