Alexander Conroy

Patch 6.9.7 – Happy New Year!

New Policy Theory & Custom Policy Statuses PLEASE READ THIS!!! Policy Stages, Substages and Custom Policy Statuses Ideally, this update should not change your workflow or change much except the location of some buttons. For Full Details on Policy Workflow please see this Google Document. All True Final Negative Status buttons are now Red. All […]

Patch 6.9.6

Load Delay Changes ( Live Transfers with Data) It is now possible to remove your Load Delay settings, and choose “Dupe Update” instead with your Reject in Vendor settings. What will happen now is this: 1. New Calls comes in, Lead Created and Agent can start working. 2. Lead Gets Sent from Lead Provider 3. […]

Patch 6.9.5

Contacts Fixed Action Log Tabs Finally! New Fields Tax Filing Filing Jointly Filing Separately Policy Calculator Correction We were made aware that sometimes the Government Subsidies more than the cost of the persons Monthly premium, but they don’t pay up! (Typical huh?) If any of the calculated fields that subtract the subsidy are less than […]

Patch 6.9.4

TLDialer Dispositions If you Disposition a Lead with a “Completed” or “Unworkable” status the system will Update ALL LEADS related to the Current Lead Related Criteria Status is Not Unworkable Status is Not Completed Not Current Dialer ID Same Vendor Lead Code as Current Dialer ID Phone Number in Any Phone Field from Current Dialer ID […]

Patch 6.9.2

TQL EAV Support Added for TLDCRM Tables. Enabled for: Vendors Users Accounts (Options) Fixed an issue with Naming Relational Joins Improved Join Performance Overview and Modifications of TLD TQL Schemas. Changed the way Meta Fields show up. Now will show fieldname and fieldname_name as same value, your choice. Standardized some fields that should have been […]

Patch 6.9.1

TLDialer – Updates and Upgrades – OPUS Codec Enabled. (Better Call Quality) Asterisk and Vicidial upgraded to v13.21 and Revision 3046 respectively. Opus codec enabled and preferred. Inbounds tested working. Outbounds tested working. Recordings tested working. Please let us know if anything unusual arises that may be a result of this update as soon as […]

Patch 6.9.0

Upgrades TLD Database Now Running Latest Aurora mySQL 5.7 Compatible Engine (~5x Faster) Now Running on Latest Generation AWS RDS Instance (Better, Newer CPU) TLD Server Now running latest PHP Version. Slightly Faster. New features for development. Core Modules Rewrote pretty much the entire Core System. This should clean up any oddities and errors that […]

Patch 6.8.3

TLDialer – Significant Change! New Table: lead_dialer_leads This table stores all the dialer leads associated with a lead when a duplicate if found and loaded instead of created newly. How It Works Every Dialer ID associated with a lead, including the current one, is stored in the lead_dialer_leads table The lead_dialer_leads table is an association between […]

Patch 6.7.10

Reports Modified the Lead Vendor ScoreCard Should show more accurate and Reliable results, even when no sales are made! When TLDialer is enabled for you account, you can now see Total Inbound Calls, and Total Qualified Calls (Based on Vendor Qualification Time [QT Time]). We will be expanding some more features and options into this […]

Patch 6.7.9

Multi-Checkbox & Select Filters Just got a WHOLE lot smarter. Now, instead of just trying to match the full text of what you have typed in for the filter, we also chunk your filter into pieces by “space” values, and then check for the presence of all combined pieces, regardless of order! Example: Field: System […]