TLD CRM BoostPatch 9.5.3

SMS Notification Change

  • If a Lead has never had an outbound Text Sent, and they Text Inbound, it will now prefer the Owner of the SMS Number to send the Notification to since there was no prior agent talking to them instead of using the Lead Owner.
    • The Owner of the SMS Number is determined by the “User” on the Inbound DID.
      • Because you can set the same SMS Number to Multiple Users, this is the only way to determine the Numbers Owner.
    • Defaults to Lead Owner as before if the SMS Number is Unowned.

TLDialer Changes

  • Fixed and Issue with Sync TLD to TLDialer User and Phone Mass Edit Function
  • TLD Nick Names now Sync to TLDialer Nicknames.
  • Releasing a Number will now Deactivate it within any CID Group it is a part of.
  • In TLDialer Timeline, Made Transfer Logs more Clear when the Transfer is an External Transfer
    • Shows External Transfer Dial instead of “Blind Transfers” and from what CID.
  • In TLDialer Timeline, Modified Inbound Logs when the Closer Log is actually an External Transfer to show that it is instead of an Inbound.
  • Fixed an issue with Hopper Trim Query causing the Advanced Hopper to Stop for that round when it encountered the error.

Old Agent CPA Changes

  • Added Policies / New Leads Column + Legend
  • Added Rewrites + Cancellations Column + Legend
  • Added KPI: Rewrite Conversions ( Rewrites / ( Rewrites + Cancelations ) ) Column + Legend


  • Fixed an issue with Klaviyo where it wasn’t sending data.
  • Added Policy ID’s Array to Klaviyo Integration.

User Licenses

  • Added Agency Name and Agency Description to User Licenses Columns
  • Added Agency to User Licenses Filters

Other Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Rewrite ID and Rewrite Refused not Saving when creating a Policy. It only worked on Update.
  • Removed a Blocking Code that was preventing Lead Vendor Post Setting for Dupe Relays to Send to “This Vendor Relays”
  • Fixed an issue where Visibility settings wasn’t being Respected on Field Sources leaving users with the only option to Delete Them.
  • Ingress Recordings API Had a Early Return causing Data not to be logged although the recording was saved.
  • Added a Special Index to API Logs to make Searching more Possible. Changed Default Query Date to Today, changed default Sort Order to Date Logged. Removed Auto Aggregation on Log ID. Removed Defualt User Join.
  • Fixed a Case with Analytics CPA returning unexpected booleans at times causing code errors.