Patch 10.2.3
Ingress API
Users API
Add User
You can now fully create and configure a user via API.
- POST /api/ingress/user
Commissions API
We did a little cleanup of Add Commissions Received and Paid and added bulk inserts into the API. We are eagerly awaiting feedback.
Add Commission Received
- POST /api/ingress/commission/received
Add Commission Paid
- POST /api/ingress/commission/paid
Both Paid and Received Commissions accept an array of records as well as a special params object
The Params object currently only supports one parameter “match_abort”: true. What this paramter tells the system to do is if you pass a match field on a record, or you pass a policy_id, do not insert on Failure to match. Without this parameter the system will continue to insert but will clear out any policy_id provided. Providing a policy_id and a match parameter will prefer the match since it assumes you are not sure.
API Documentation has been added for all 3 new API Endpoints in our Postman Docs for more Details
WorkSpaceAI Integration
We now have a very quick and easy way to install and use WorkSpaceAI, which is a similar AI Quality Assurance system similar to our OnScriptAI Integration which notifies WorkSpace to pull a call recording when a call is over.