Patch 10.2.1
Minor Patches and Updates
Agency Messaging
- Agency Messaging Section now allows Agency Managers to see their Agency text messages.
- Requires Agency Manager Role or View Agency Messaging Abilities. For Export, Export Agency Messaging.
Other Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing more than 100 lead statuses to show on the contact form ( I know, but why? )
- Fixed a major issue that only occured just this once. An Agent decided to hold the enter key down on the Quick Search for like a minute effectively DoSing the CRM.
- Good job agent! But nice bug find anynow.
- Unsure if Cat Sitting on Enter Key may have been the actual culprit.
- Fixed an issue with a wrong path for the main Default TLD Icon.
- Fixed an issue with Bundle Initial and Ancillary Initial among other’s of the same family type of field.