TLD CRM BoostPatch 10.3.0 – Analytics CPA

Filters Fix for Complex Keys

Since the new Analytics Section uses Array Keyed Report (ex: &calls[call_direction]=10 filters, we have finally fixed saving Filters in sections like “Users – Manage All” while filtering for TLDialer. They will also work when copy pasting links to others.

Other Changes and Bugfixes

  • Added “Primary Beneficiaries” to Policies, which is a count of the Beneficiaries Included ONLY IF the Policy is a Primary Policy.
  • Fixed an issue with Policy Statuses not Triggering “Add Lead Tags”
  • Minor Changes to some Explore Filter Names for cleanliness and ease of use.

Analytics – CPA Reports

Alpha Release – Limited Accounts in Testing. We are releasing this Report Today to Analyze Datasets and Results between the Old Reports and the New. Once we are satisfied we should be able to release this report to everyone sometime toward the end of the week.

We recently created a report engine to deal with multi-database and multi-query reports outside of SQL and in the TLD Codebase in a much more Dynamic Way but still supporting the core of TQL functionality.

We originally intended to extend and modify the Current Inbound and Outbound Analytics CPA Reports, but due to naming convention conflicts and other changes to how filters work and aggregating through formulas functions, we opted to create a new base version of the report that is Inbound and Outbound Combined, with new Aggregation and Formula Columns for every type of call from “All Calls” to “New Vendor Inbound Calls”.

This new Module we developed should allow us to much more quickly add more columns and values to these kinds of joint reports.

We also optimized the report and even brought over some familiar columns from the “Old Agent CPA Report” ( Yes! Talk Time, Wait time, etc ).

The Report Engine is now smart enough to know which tables to pull from, and to only pull specific columns per table query.

The Old Agent CPA Report suffered from Query Delays and Lag because it had to pull nearly 13 datasets to then possibly use in aggregation and formulas.

This report also includes a Legend, which is generated both Manually and Automatically ( For Common Pattern Formulas )

This means however that the report has ALOT more CPA and Rate calculations than it did before. So making sure you select the right columns for your needs is paramount.

The New Report also includes aggregation data for Cross Account Users with activity on your Account!

Below is a Sample of the Current Column Legend if you want to Start Looking at it now. Please feel free to Message us in Slack with Any Feedback or Urgent wish list items!

Column Name Default Column Label Description
agent_id Agent ID The Agents Unique User ID.
account_id Account ID The Agents Home Account ID.
sub Sub The Agents Home Account Subdomain.
account Account The Agents Home Account Name.
agent Agent The Agents Full Name
agency_id Agency ID The Agency ID on this Account if any.
org Org The Agency Home Organization ( Agency or Account ).
agency Agency The Agency Name on this Account if any.
calls_all All Calls Sum of All Calls.
calls_new New Calls Sum of All Calls where the Phone Number was Unique in the System.
calls_new_vendor New Vendor Sum of All Calls where the Phone Number was Unique to the Vendor in the System.
calls_outbound Outbound Calls Sum of Outbound Calls.
calls_inbound Inbound Calls Sum of Inbound Calls.
calls_manual Manual Calls Sum of Outbound Manual Calls.
calls_auto Auto Calls Sum of Outbound Auto Calls.
calls_direct Direct Calls Sum of Inbound Direct Calls.
calls_queue Queue Calls Sum of Inbound Queue Calls.
calls_billable Billable Calls Sum of Billable Calls. Note: A Call can be marked as Billable without a Cost.
costs_all All Costs Sum of all Call Costs
sales Sales Sum of all Sales. A Sale is a Unique Contact Record ( Lead ID ) Sold in a Given Day.
sales_primary Primary Sales Sum of all Sales where a Primary Policy was Sold. A Sale is a Unique Contact Record ( Lead ID ) Sold in a Given Day.
sales_ancillary Ancillary Sales Sum of all Sales where an Ancillary Policy was Sold. A Sale is a Unique Contact Record ( Lead ID ) Sold in a Given Day.
policies Policies Sum of all Policies Sold. A Policy is a Unique Policy Record ( Policy ID ).
beneficiaries Beneficiaries Sum of all Dependents Included in Policies + 1 for the Contact. If there are Multiple Policies this number will be multiplies by the number of policies. ( ( Included Dependents + 1 ) * Policies ).
beneficiaries_primary Primary Beneficiaries Sum of all Dependents Included in Policies + 1 for the Contact where the Policy Sold is a Primary Policy. If there are Multiple Primary Policies this number will be multiplies by the number of policies. ( ( Included Dependents + 1 ) * Policies ). This is normally used to count “Bodies” for ACA.
rewrites Rewrites Sum of Policies Marked as any Rewrite Type
rewritten Rewritten Sum of Policies Marked as Rewrite Type: Rewritten
renewed Renewed Sum of Policies Marked as as Rewrite Type: Renewed
refused Refused Sum of Policies Marked as Rewrite Refused
primaries Primaries Sum of Policies Marked as Primary
ancillaries Ancillaries Sum of Policies Marked as Ancillary
fronts Fronts Sum of Leads that have been Fronted
sales_dialer Sales Dialer Sum of Calls that have been Marked with a Sale Disposition.
fronts_converted Fronts Converted Sum of Leads Fronted where the Lead was Also Converted.
fronts_sold Fronts Sold Sum of Policies with a Fronter Set where the Policy was also Sold. Fronters get Copied from the Lead to the Policy on Policy Conversion, or manually set.
session_secs_active Session Active Time The Total time the Agent was logged in to TLDialer.
session_secs_talk Session Talk Time The total time the Agent spent talking in a call on TLDialer.
session_secs_work Session Work Time This is an Aggregate of ( Wait Time + Talk Time ). The Agent is technically working while waiting for the next call or on a call.
session_secs_idle Session Idle Time This is an Aggregate of ( Wait Time + Dispo Time + Dead Time ). While the agent is technically active, this signifies that they are not speaking directly with anyone.
session_secs_wrapup Session Wrapup Time This is an Aggregate of ( Dispo Time + Dead Time ). The Agent has finished a Call but has not Dispositioned or hung up their end of the line.
session_secs_pause Session Pause Time This is the total amount of time an agent spent logged in paused, doing little to nothing.
session_secs_wait Session Wait Time This is the total amount of time an agent spent ready waiting for a call.
session_secs_dead Session Dead Time This is the total amount of time an agent spent with with an open channel to a dead call.
session_secs_dispo Session Dispo Time This is the total amount of time an agent spent with an open lead after a call without dispositioning.
session_secs_active_avg Session Average Active Time Average Daily Active Time ( Active Time / Days Active )
session_secs_talk_avg Session Average Talk Time Average Daily Talk Time ( Talk Time / Days Active )
session_secs_work_avg Session Average Work Time Average Daily Work Time ( Work Time / Days Active )
session_secs_idle_avg Session Average Idle Time Average Daily Idle Time ( Idle Time / Days Active )
session_secs_wrapup_avg Session Average Wrapup Time Average Daily Wrapup Time ( Wrapup Time / Days Active )
session_secs_pause_avg Session Average Pause Time Average Daily Pause Time ( Pause Time / Days Active )
session_secs_wait_avg Session Average Wait Time Average Daily Wait Time ( Wait Time / Days Active )
session_secs_dead_avg Session Average Dead Time Average Daily Dead Time ( Dead Time / Days Active )
session_secs_dispo_avg Session Average Dispo Time Average Daily Dispo Time ( Dispo Time / Days Active )
session_secs_park_avg Session Average Park Time Average Daily Park Time ( Park Time / Days Active )
kpi_adherence KPI: Adherence KPI: Adherence, Session Work Time divided by Session Active Days ( Work Time / Active Days )
kpi_billable_inbounds KPI: Inbounds / Billables KPI: Rate of Inbounds over Billable Inbounds ( ( Inbound Calls / Billable Calls ) * 100 )
sec_calls_all All Call Seconds Sum of All Call Seconds
sec_calls_new New Call Seconds Sum of New Call Seconds
sec_calls_new_vendor New Vendor Call Seconds Sum of New Vendor Call Seconds
sec_calls_outbound Outbound Call Seconds Sum of Outbound Call Seconds
sec_calls_inbound Inbound Call Seconds Sum of Inbound Call Seconds
sec_calls_manual Manual Call Seconds Sum of Manual Call Seconds
sec_calls_auto Auto Call Seconds Sum of Auto Call Seconds
sec_calls_direct Direct Call Seconds Sum of Direct Call Seconds
sec_calls_queue Queue Call Seconds Sum of Queue Call Seconds
sec_calls_billable Billable Call Seconds Sum of Billable Call Seconds
sec_calls_billable_new Billable New Call Seconds Sum of Billable New Call Seconds
sec_calls_billable_new_vendor Billable New Vendor Call Seconds Sum of Billable New Vendor Call Seconds
cost_calls_all All Call Cost Sum of All Call Cost
cost_calls_new New Call Cost Sum of New Call Cost
cost_calls_new_vendor New Vendor Call Cost Sum of New Vendor Call Cost
cost_calls_outbound Outbound Call Cost Sum of Outbound Call Cost
cost_calls_inbound Inbound Call Cost Sum of Inbound Call Cost
cost_calls_manual Manual Call Cost Sum of Manual Call Cost
cost_calls_auto Auto Call Cost Sum of Auto Call Cost
cost_calls_direct Direct Call Cost Sum of Direct Call Cost
cost_calls_queue Queue Call Cost Sum of Queue Call Cost
cost_calls_billable Billable Call Cost Sum of Billable Call Cost
cost_calls_billable_new Billable New Call Cost Sum of Billable New Call Cost
cost_calls_billable_new_vendor Billable New Vendor Call Cost Sum of Billable New Vendor Call Cost
rate_sales_by_calls_all Sales / All Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_all Policies / All Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_all Primaries / All Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_all Sales Primary / All Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_all Sales Ancillary / All Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_all Sales Dialer / All Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_all Beneficiaries / All Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_all Fronts / All Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_all Fronts Sold / All Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by All Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_new Sales / New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_new Policies / New Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_new Primaries / New Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_new Sales Primary / New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_new Sales Ancillary / New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_new Sales Dialer / New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_new Beneficiaries / New Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_new Fronts / New Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_new Fronts Sold / New Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_new_vendor Sales / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_new_vendor Policies / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_new_vendor Primaries / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_new_vendor Sales Primary / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_new_vendor Sales Ancillary / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_new_vendor Sales Dialer / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_new_vendor Beneficiaries / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_new_vendor Fronts / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_new_vendor Fronts Sold / New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_outbound Sales / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_outbound Policies / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_outbound Primaries / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_outbound Sales Primary / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_outbound Sales Ancillary / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_outbound Sales Dialer / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_outbound Beneficiaries / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_outbound Fronts / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_outbound Fronts Sold / Outbound Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Outbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_inbound Sales / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_inbound Policies / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_inbound Primaries / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_inbound Sales Primary / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_inbound Sales Ancillary / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_inbound Sales Dialer / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_inbound Beneficiaries / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_inbound Fronts / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_inbound Fronts Sold / Inbound Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Inbound Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_manual Sales / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_manual Policies / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_manual Primaries / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_manual Sales Primary / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_manual Sales Ancillary / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_manual Sales Dialer / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_manual Beneficiaries / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_manual Fronts / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_manual Fronts Sold / Manual Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Manual Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_auto Sales / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_auto Policies / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_auto Primaries / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_auto Sales Primary / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_auto Sales Ancillary / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_auto Sales Dialer / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_auto Beneficiaries / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_auto Fronts / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_auto Fronts Sold / Auto Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Auto Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_direct Sales / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_direct Policies / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_direct Primaries / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_direct Sales Primary / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_direct Sales Ancillary / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_direct Sales Dialer / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_direct Beneficiaries / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_direct Fronts / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_direct Fronts Sold / Direct Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Direct Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_queue Sales / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_queue Policies / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_queue Primaries / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_queue Sales Primary / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_queue Sales Ancillary / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_queue Sales Dialer / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_queue Beneficiaries / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_queue Fronts / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_queue Fronts Sold / Queue Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Queue Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_billable Sales / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_billable Policies / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_billable Primaries / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_billable Sales Primary / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_billable Sales Ancillary / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_billable Sales Dialer / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_billable Beneficiaries / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_billable Fronts / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_billable Fronts Sold / Billable Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Billable Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_billable_new Sales / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_billable_new Policies / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_billable_new Primaries / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_billable_new Sales Primary / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_billable_new Sales Ancillary / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_billable_new Sales Dialer / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_billable_new Beneficiaries / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_billable_new Fronts / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_billable_new Fronts Sold / Billable New Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Billable New Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Sales / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_policies_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Policies / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Policies by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_primaries_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Primaries / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Primaries by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_primary_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Sales Primary / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Primary by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_ancillary_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Sales Ancillary / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Ancillary by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_sales_dialer_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Sales Dialer / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Sales Dialer by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_beneficiaries_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Beneficiaries / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Beneficiaries by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Fronts / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
rate_fronts_sold_by_calls_billable_new_vendor Fronts Sold / Billable New Vendor Calls % Capture Rate of Fronts Sold by Billable New Vendor Call as a Percentage.
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_sales All Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_policies All Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_primaries All Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_sales_primary All Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_sales_ancillary All Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_sales_dialer All Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_beneficiaries All Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_fronts All Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_all_by_fronts_sold All Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for All Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_sales New Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_policies New Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_primaries New Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_sales_primary New Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_sales_ancillary New Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_sales_dialer New Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_beneficiaries New Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_fronts New Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_by_fronts_sold New Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_sales New Vendor Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_policies New Vendor Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_primaries New Vendor Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_sales_primary New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_sales_ancillary New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_sales_dialer New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_beneficiaries New Vendor Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_fronts New Vendor Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_new_vendor_by_fronts_sold New Vendor Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_sales Outbound Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_policies Outbound Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_primaries Outbound Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_sales_primary Outbound Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_sales_ancillary Outbound Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_sales_dialer Outbound Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_beneficiaries Outbound Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_fronts Outbound Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_outbound_by_fronts_sold Outbound Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Outbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_sales Inbound Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_policies Inbound Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_primaries Inbound Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_sales_primary Inbound Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_sales_ancillary Inbound Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_sales_dialer Inbound Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_beneficiaries Inbound Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_fronts Inbound Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_inbound_by_fronts_sold Inbound Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Inbound Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_sales Manual Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_policies Manual Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_primaries Manual Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_sales_primary Manual Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_sales_ancillary Manual Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_sales_dialer Manual Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_beneficiaries Manual Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_fronts Manual Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_manual_by_fronts_sold Manual Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Manual Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_sales Auto Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_policies Auto Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_primaries Auto Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_sales_primary Auto Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_sales_ancillary Auto Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_sales_dialer Auto Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_beneficiaries Auto Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_fronts Auto Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_auto_by_fronts_sold Auto Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Auto Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_sales Direct Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_policies Direct Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_primaries Direct Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_sales_primary Direct Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_sales_ancillary Direct Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_sales_dialer Direct Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_beneficiaries Direct Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_fronts Direct Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_direct_by_fronts_sold Direct Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Direct Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_sales Queue Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_policies Queue Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_primaries Queue Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_sales_primary Queue Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_sales_ancillary Queue Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_sales_dialer Queue Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_beneficiaries Queue Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_fronts Queue Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Queue Calls
cpa_cost_calls_queue_by_fronts_sold Queue Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Queue Calls
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cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_policies Billable Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_primaries Billable Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_sales_primary Billable Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_sales_ancillary Billable Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_sales_dialer Billable Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_beneficiaries Billable Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_fronts Billable Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_by_fronts_sold Billable Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Billable Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_sales Billable New Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_policies Billable New Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_primaries Billable New Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_sales_primary Billable New Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_sales_ancillary Billable New Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_sales_dialer Billable New Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_beneficiaries Billable New Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_fronts Billable New Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_by_fronts_sold Billable New Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Billable New Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_sales Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Sales CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_policies Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Policies CPA Cost per Acquisition of Policies for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_primaries Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Primaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Primaries for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_sales_primary Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Primary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Primary for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_sales_ancillary Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Ancillary CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Ancillary for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_sales_dialer Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Sales Dialer CPA Cost per Acquisition of Sales Dialer for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_beneficiaries Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Beneficiaries CPA Cost per Acquisition of Beneficiaries for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_fronts Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Fronts CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts for Billable New Vendor Calls
cpa_cost_calls_billable_new_vendor_by_fronts_sold Billable New Vendor Call Costs / Fronts Sold CPA Cost per Acquisition of Fronts Sold for Billable New Vendor Calls