TLD CRM BoostPatch 8.1.0

TLMessenger Text Message (SMS) Canned (Preset) Responses is finally here…it’s finally here.
You asked for this one for quite a while, so here it is! With some advanced features as well! FYI, for details, open up a SMS window, click the “?” icon next to the chat tab in TLMessenger.

Canned Responses ( Present Text Messages )

  • There is a new tab in the TLMessenger window, click it and it should fetch your canned responses.
    • Canned Responses are a mix of account and user based responses.
    • If you have an account based canned response it will not be editable.
    • Some user canned responses can be set to not be editable.
    • Canned Responses can be set to be invisible to agents (to be used instead of automation via dispositions).
    • The interface will allow you to label and set text to automatically send with the text.
    • There are two buttons: one to fill your text out or use it as a template, and the other is fire and forget (pressing it will reopen your chat window).
    • You can only have one Account or User Canned Response per Response key. It will error otherwise.
    • For users: keys are automatically made based on the Text Label.
    • For Admins: keys can be customized and and edited.
    • You can use a Key in a Status Disposition (or anywhere for that matter) and it will run the string autofill a second time to load the Response.
    • You can delete canned responses you created or own.
    • You can edit canned responses you created or own.
  • Created Autofill Model so it can be used throughout the system and reestablish order.
  • See Help Icon in the CRM for most details information.

Vendor Performance

  • Added some Links in the Vendor Performance Report so you can easily (and exactly) see what leads or sales are behind the numbers.
  • Added Ignore 0 Cost Leads Filter.

Policy Tags

  • Policies can now be tagged during disposition.
  • Tags can be added, removed, or dropped.
  • For the moment this can only occur with Policy Statuses.
  • Policy Tags are like permanent / semi-permanent statuses that can not only store the tag but when and whom they were added by. There is even a hidden log that stores when a tag was added, dropped, or removed.
  • Policy Tags can be searched from the Explore Section and brought in as individual or aggregate columns.
  • Tons of workflows can be created to your needs using tags!

Live Agents

  • Limited Auto Refresh to 3 Seconds
  • We now turn Auto Refresh off at around 1:00 AM Local Time for those of you who just love to keep it running all night and through the reboot…
    • Possible Future Change: Will Redirect you to Admin Dashboard.
  • The Live Agents page will no longer spam “Auto Refresh”! Instead it will animate the Auto Refresh to spin every time it runs refresh.

Phones API

  • Added new “Phones” Suppression List API so you can have Vendors Query against numbers you already have (in bulk) instead of one by one.
    • JSON Output, but also Supports CSV Output
    • Will give you a True / False next to each number you sent in.
    • Supports Dirty Numbers, and will clean them for you (ie: 555.555.5555 )
    • Can pass in phones as an array or comma separated values.
    • Can request list of existing, missing, or all.

Other Updates

  • Added “Re-Enroll” as a rewrite type.
  • You can now send Documents via SMS from Documents on a Lead that were not previously sent via SMS.
    • Previously it was possible but since the documents are natively not public it needed the public flag to be set, as well as a shortcode generated.
  • Added Turning 65 Logo on Info Window
    • This will show a Turning 65 Logo only when the days to 65 is set in Settings -> Options
  • Added FEMA Declared and FEMA Ends to FEMA logo on hover when visible.
  • Added “Total Duration” which calculates Premium x Duration if it exists which will be along side “Total Annual”
  • Fixed Hoverover Descriptions on Policy Calculation Fields
  • Added More Memory Limit and timeout time to Egress API
  • Fixed issue with Validation Rules on New Policy Statuses.
  • Added DISPO to TLDialer Statuses so it can now be searched in TLDialer Sections.
  • Minor visual fix to new Policy Tag Icon when empty.
  • Added Icons, colors and information to the Lead Statuses table for missing Lead Status Triggers. Policy Statuses will be next.
    • Was missing “Tags Add, Remove and Drop, SMS, Email, Dispo Hangup, Dispo Pause”
  • You can now “Ctrl + Click” the Load Icon in Filters to copy the link to give to someone else.
  • Filter ID’s have been added to the Dropdowns to make them easier to see.
  • Added First Contact Duration as a Filter in TLDialer Leads.
  • Fixed an issue with people using LGHTBL as a color, it is not a color…and VICI does not allow color names longer than 7 characters.
  • Removed Max Callbacks from Callbacks API so it doesn’t error.
  • Added XML Parser to show XML as JSON after formatting.
  • Standardized XML Notation between the Node Service and TLD Itself.
  • Added Rewrite as a Required Field in Products.
  • MMS Documents on a Lead can now be sent as a SMS without copying it, instead the document becomes public to send via SMS.
  • Fixed typo “Intructions” on Public Vendor Instructions Link button.