TLD CRM BoostPatch 7.0.6

TLDialer Changes and Updates

TLDialer 2.0

We did a bit of an OVERHAUL on our TLDialer Apps system, which allow us to connect directly into the internals of the dialer and modify behavior and allows us to do things like State Routing. We now have a fully dynamic system, that follows our own patterns and enables us to add new apps dynamically! We were even able to inject code into the main dialer form to allow us to do previously impossible things that have been causing some issues. Along with this have come some significant improvements to the transfer system, barging, monitoring, and more. There is much more to come with this new System! And now for the Updates.

As always when TLDialer Changes, make sure you have your agents all log out and log back in.

  • TLDialer Apps use Routing Extensions to route to each app. The Prefix for apps is TLD{appname}
    • Prefix: TLD
    • App Name: Proceeding 6 Characters
    • Extra / Custom Extensions – Proceeding Numbers after App Name
  • All apps can be duplicated/ isolated and configured by changing the extension to TLD{APPNAM}{EXTRACHARACTERS}
  • TLDialer App Configs can be overridden by creating a fake DID (Ask us to do this) to set DID Custom Parameters on.
    • Each App has different Parameters that go in each custom DID field. Each app has it’s own defaults so most of the time this fake DID is not needed.
    • If you configure one of the custom fields with a parameter, it will override the default. Provide nothing in the custom field and it will fallback to the default for that parameter. Not setting custom fields will just have all parameters fallback to defaults which renders the fake DID fruitless.
    • You can override the default behavior of an app by making the DID Pattern the App name, or you can create your own extension by suffixing anything after the App Name. Just remember to point your Extension to the App with the modified extension you created and it will isolate to just that one.
  • Apps Available
    • TLDSURVEY – Survey System Extension
    • TLDSRVDCL – State Routing Inbound Extension
    • TLDSRVDAD – State Routing Outbound Extension
    • TLDSRXFER – State Routing Transfer Extension
    • TLDBATMAN – No Agent No Answer Transfer Extension ( NANA )

TLDialer General Changes

  • Loading Leads on Calls should now load faster, we are skipping the AJAX Check for the Vici record and taking it straight from the TLDialer Process. Should be near instant now.
  • We now Prevent you from logging into the Dialer if you have another Instance open somewhere else. We now also change the Status to “Duplicate Instance”.
  • You can no longer click the “Disconnect” button, or any buttons but the login buttons while disconnected and have the system attempt to dispo a lead for your disconnected user or some other wizardry.
  • The Starting Status Message is now “Authenticating”. If you somehow click before Authentication or Instance Denial runs, it will tell you to chill out for a second until it says “Ready to Connect”.
  • Once the server Authenticates you do not have another instance running it will now turn blue and say “Ready to Connect”
  • If the server stops sending data to you temporarily we will now block buttons from being pressed.
  • The Emergency Logout button now also Resets the TLDialer Instance of the User being kicked to make sure errything works allright. When being booted, or disconnecting yourself, we now remove the Vici session completely so we can avoid the annoying popup that asks if you want to leave the page or not.
  • Emergency Logout now runs Slay Session, which sends a message up the socket for the agent to navigate away, clearing the session completely.
  • We Removed AGENTDIRECT From the Transfer Menu, it shouldn’t really be there.
  • Added “Client Registered” filter and schema item so you can see if a lead’s phone number is in the client list or not. Added this to TLDialer Leads.
  • Added GMT Offset Filter to TLDialer Leads.
  • Fixed issue with TLDialer Leads Menu not saving correctly on refresh.
  • Added Fronts and Converted Fronts to Agent CPA Report.
  • Added Outbound Autodial field to live agents schema.
  • Updated AMD Rate to be more appropriate to what it actually is. Hover to see the formula! Remember AMD Rates include any status an agent presses that has an Answering Machine flag.

TLDSIP WebRTC Client (Webphone)

  • When using TLDSIP, you now have a Microphone Check Meter show up before you connect, to make sure you are getting some audio! It will go away on login and come back on disconnect.
  • When using TLDSIP We now Prevent you from logging into the Dialer if your Audio isn’t working. The Disconnected Status will be replaced with Audio Error.
  • We now only connect the TLDSIP Phone AFTER Authentication, to prevent overwriting a previous register.

TLDialer Transfers

  • Update: 9/23/2019
    • We are no longer using the button presses to prevent transfers. We are now checking all the lines to see if the agent is in a transfer properly and letting them know if they are. Along with this we added some new features to the Transfer Menu.
    • If the Agent is n Queue or in a Transfer it will show what we mentioned above, however, with the new method it is possible to do 4 or 5 way calls if needed, but we currently have this disabled.
    • NEW External Transfers once NOT Detectable, NOW detectable. Yay! This means that you can do a 3 way call with a carrier or a loved one and it should show that you are in a conference instead of showing nothing.
    • NEW The Transfer menu will now let you know if a Manager has Joined the call (Barge)
    • NEW The Transfer menu will now let you know if a Manager is talking only to you (Whisper)
    • Don’t worry, Agent’s still can’t tell if they are being monitored.
  • Things that this patch should fix.
    • Double+ Transfers (Wrong Conference!)
    • No Client on the Line. (Wrong Conference!)
    • Agent gets Dead / Blank Call. (Wrong Conference!)
    • Manager Monitors, but can be heard. (Wrong Conference!)
    • Multiple Agents Talking to Each Other (Multiple Wrong Conferences!)
    • Can No Longer Hear Clients on Line Suddenly (Wrong Conference! Didn’t Disconnect from bad conference!)

TLDialer State Routing

  • We now have a new Script for creating an Ingroup for Fronters to Transfer to that works with State Routing. It still uses the same State Route Inbound Group, but works properly with Fronters Transferring to the group, as well as flagging the call as to what type of Call the originating transfer came from so we can adjust the Agent CPA report to compensate if we need to.

TLDialer Client

We now have the ability to Inject our own code into VICIDial creating two way communication between the systems in real time. It is SUPER fast. We can now press buttons and close unneeded windows in the client.

Things that this Fixes:

  • Agent Logs In, Presses Pause to Start, and goes into Closer instead of Ready.  This was because there is a screen that needs a submit button in the client hit that automatically times out, but not fast enough for our quicker, less patient agents.
  • Changed “Dispo Pause” method to actually select the checkbox in the Dialer instead of pressing Pause for the agent when they press pause during Dispo. This should now work 100% and no longer possibly grab another call if in queue. Woohoo!
  • More fixes as we catch them in action now that we have been able to identify what has been happening and also have a systemic solution to add fixes as needed.


  • Uploader now shows CSV Encoding Type: UTF-8 or ASCII.
  • Uploads should now correctly count the line items in a CSV Upload.
  • Added Vendor ID to Post System when duplicate checking so you can see if the Dupe was in Same Vendor or not.
  • You can now attach policies, notes, dependents ONLY if the Dupe is in the same Vendor, if desired.

Bugfixes & Minor Changes

  • Added Vendor Public Name to Old Leads Schema so you can use it in the Column Builder.
  • Updated New and Old Policies Schema to support Premuium Actual, Actual Monthly, Actual Initial and Actual Yearly where it 0’s out if the Subsidized Premium is more than the Premium.
  • Fixed an issue with Date Paid and Paid checkbox not setting properly when recalculating commissions received.
  • Commissions Received now using the more improved export window so you can select the columns that get exported.
  • Fixed an issue with Dependent Annual Income Validation when set to 0 not updating so it couldn’t be validated.
  • Fixed an Issue with Fronter ID not being set when Posted in via Post System.
  • We can now push a Popup window with Links or Messages to assist an agent. Useful for live screen debugging since most people don’t know how to type when instructed on the phone.
  • TQL can now Force Index joins.
  • Added accounting role to commissions section.
  • You can now see your TLDialer Seat limit and cannot add new TLDialer Seats when adding users if there aren’t enough.
  • Fixed issue with phones checking TLDialer Seat limit incorrectly.
  • Added change_lead_fronter_id permission.
  • “Owner ID” now checks the assigned_id and if the date_assigned is NOT NULL and is greater than the current date, it will show, this allows you to assign leads to an agent for a later date. Neat!
  • Changed some Layout stuff in the Products table for easier viewing of things.
  • Made it Easier to Calculate CDR Minutes from our Carrier. We will soon release a section where you can see the detailed call log data.
  • Added Plan type to Policy Sidebar. Updated the Icons so they are more even too.
  • Product Export now respects current Query.
  • Added some Missing Filters in Old Policies section: Dialer ID’s, Import Source, Row and ID. Lead ID’s.
  • TQL can no longer attempt to aggregate on aggregated fields.
  • Explore now respects “Export” permission.