Patch 6.7.10
- Modified the Lead Vendor ScoreCard
- Should show more accurate and Reliable results, even when no sales are made!
- When TLDialer is enabled for you account, you can now see Total Inbound Calls, and Total Qualified Calls (Based on Vendor Qualification Time [QT Time]).
- We will be expanding some more features and options into this Report soon.
- The Contact Page will now search for Recordings in TLDialer by 3 criteria
- 1st: Dialer ID, and TouchPoint Dialer ID’s
- 2nd: Lead ID (Vendor Lead Code)
- 3rd: Phone Numbers (Phone 1 2 and 3)
This should make finding recordings a bit easier.
TQL / TLDialer
- Filters Selected
- All TLDialer Sections now have a “Filters Selected” feature at the bottom of the Open Filters Screen,
- As you run your filters, it will update automatically.
- You can click on the “X” next to a selected filter to remove it.
- This should be a nice handy quick way to see what you have selected.
- We will be adding this to other sections as we migrate them to TQL over time.
- String Filter Mods
- We have added the following String / Text Filter Mods to the system.
- Like
- Not Like
- Like Left
- Not Like Left
- Like Right
- Not Like Right
- In
- Not In
- You can search for comma, space, semicolon or pipe separated data in a text field by selecting IN or Not IN Mods after typing in your query.
- We have added the following String / Text Filter Mods to the system.
- Number Filter Mods
- Numbers now have the same Filter Mods as Datetimes.
- You can search for comma, space, semicolon or pipe separated data in a text field by simply typing in the data without a Filter Mod.
- Since it is a number field, any text characters will convert the field to an IN field. You can do some advanced things like setting an IN query to both the start and end of a number field, but it will only show you the data where it is common (Intersection)
- Query Builder Rewritten
- Query builder now has a more efficient, and collision-prevention format.
- This was actually a ton of work…but it should pay off in the future shortly.
- All field mods now use field_tql=mod
- Query builder now has a more efficient, and collision-prevention format.
- Cleaned up some Mobile View for Filters.
- Added “Code” Multi-checkbox to Vendor Logs.
- Fixed issue with Uploader not showing the Process button when all was well.
- FIx to Issue where View Recordings wasn’t being respected in the Dialer Contact.