TLD CRM BoostPatch 6.6.2


  • Added revision flag to force download of new CSS and JS, aside from version flag.


  • Added Refresh Lead button while on call. If you navigate away from the lead you are working on while on a call, this button will take you back to the current lead in TLD.
  • Session Connects / Disconnects – Resolved all major issues.
    • If you hang up your phone while in a call, it will hang up the client instead of leaving them in limbo, and log you out completely. This is similar to Vici solution itself.
    • If you refresh your screen, it will hang up the client instead of leaving them in limbo, and log you out completely. This is better than current Vici solution that leaves the client in limbo. (Connected to the call, but no one on the other end or any way to retrieve.)
  • Added Qualification Time from Vendor Settings to the Dialer and Lead Info section.
    • Qualification Time has a countdown timer based on the calls initial pickup by a queue or agent, so the numbers may seem less than the time you are on the call since it is based on the time the client has been on the call.
    • When the Qualification time is about to hit 10 it will turn red.
    • When the Qualification time is up it will turn back to light blue and be crossed out.
    • Save your company some money! Hang up the call if the person is a piker!
  • When a lead is loaded in TLD by Vici, TLD will now Update Vici’s vendor_lead_code to TLD’s lead_id, but only if the call is an inbound call and the inbound number is set to the vendor_lead_code or the vendor_lead_code is blank for the lead. This will trigger a refresh of the hidden vici screen so data is preserved.
  • Now displaying Call Connected message.
  • More accurate / consistent notifications.
  • Added Feature: Sync TLD to Vici
    • When you press save (including dispo), the lead data will automatically update Vici’s records including if you are not logged into the dialer. It will attempt to refresh any agents vici screens when this happens so that data is preserved.
  • Added Feature: Hangup on Dispo. This is configurable in the system settings.
    • When you disposition a lead, it will automatically hangup, so you can skip a click!
  • Disabled the “Are you sure you want to close this window?” from TLD when Vici is loaded because it was causing issues with agents clicking cancel which then did not load the lead. Vici itself will give the popup if the agent tried to close out of the actual TLDialer.’
  • Cleaned up some buttons and colors on the dialer control panel.


  • Notes got cleaned up so that all the boxes will always be even.
  • CSR section got cleaned up to be more even with the rest of the box, the CSR buttons now just say CSR with icons on it, and will describe the action on hover.
  • CSR Agent and Schedule have been moved to the same line.
  • CSR info related to dates and users are now in color coded takes (grey for request, red for schedule, green for complete
  • Notes tags will now say “My” when the note was created by you.
  • CSR tags will now say “My” when the CSR is created by you and unassigned, or assigned to you, or completed by you.
  • Note Tags now have different colors
    • New Note is always Blue
    • Notes are White
    • CSR Pending are Yellow
    • CSR Overdue are Red
    • CSR Complete are Green
  • CSR’s will now show their status in the top right box
    • Pending CSR
    • Overdue CSR
    • Completed CSR
  • Quick Notes had some Style changes
    • Smaller Box, but more space
    • Added “X” to close it quickly.
    • You can click and drag the box around if it gets in the way, it will reset when you save.
    • Mobile Optimizations (bigger on smaller screens)