TLD CRM BoostPatch 6.2.5

Vendor Groups

Vendor groups have been added to the system. This works similar to User Groups, but instead of Skill we have Weight.

  • Vendor Groups can found under the leads menu on the left sidebar.
  • Vendor Groups can also be found on the Vendor Page near the mass edit button.
  • You can search in Leads, Customers and Vendors by Vendor Group.
    • When searching leads or policies by Vendor Group it will pull leads or policies from all vendors in the group or groups selected.
  • A vendor can be a member of more than one vendor group if desired.
  • You can add a vendor to a group with the Group Tab when editing a vendor
  • You can mass add, remove and drop all groups for vendors with the Mass Edit button.

Other Changes

  • Some minor visual updates and new Feature tab under options, a few existing options moved in there.