Patch 6.2.2
Multi Checkboxes
You can now use shift + Click to select multiple items in the Multi Checkboxes
Return Reason
- We added a special relational field for Return reasons for Medicare
- This is useful for telling your lead vendors why the lead was rejected. It should work for Live Transfer leads as well.
- This is not a status, and you can select more than one value.
- You can enable this under Options -> Dialer -> Return Reasons.
- This will show under the medicare section in the Contact Screen.
- It will show up under Leads in the Contact Section as a multi-checkbox.
Favorites & My Favorites
- You can now search through favorites in the Favorites section and remove others favorites
- Roles: Manager+
- Ability: View Favorites
- You can now see your own favorites in the My Favorites section as well as the date favorites and search through the dates.
New Lead Statuses
- Language Barrier
- Deceased
- Fixed issue with new contacts having no statuses and only the trash button.
- Fixed issue with notes and csrs not selecting all notes.