Patch 6.2.1
Lead Statuses
- The Sidebar now updates immediately upon dispositoning a lead. This prevents people trying to press other buttons after they have had final dispositions.
- Unconvert
- You can now Unconvert a Lead that has been converted.
- It will set the lead to the last known lead status.
- When you unconvert an Relay Transfer Conversion it will remain an Relay Transfer.
- When you unconvert an Appointment Conversion it will remain an appointment.
- SuperAdmin only.
- Trash
- When you trash a lead it now hides all other menu buttons except for Untrash
- When you untrash a lead it will set the lead to the last known status.
- Superadmin Only.
- Do Not Contact
- You can now remove a lead from the DNC Status. It will set the lead to the last known status.
- SuperAdmin only.
- Transferred
- Transferred button changed to “Relay Transferred” for clarity.
- Transferred was always meant to only work with the relay option.
- New Option: Settings -> Options -> Dialer
- Appointment Conversion
- When an appointment is set it assigns the agent as well as date_converted and the Appointment Status
- This is mostly for people using the system to set appointments and RSVP’s
- Default is off
- When an appointment is set it assigns the agent as well as date_converted and the Appointment Status
- Relay Transferred Conversion
- When a Relay Transfer is set it assigns the agent as well as date converted and the Transferred Status.
- This is mostly for people using the system for live transfers.
- Default is off
- When a Relay Transfer is set it assigns the agent as well as date converted and the Transferred Status.
- Appointment Conversion
External Lead Dispositions
In an effort to integrate further with other systems and dialers, we have added the ability to post lead status updates into the system.
You can find this new features under Settings -> Options under the Third Party Tab
You must map out all the statuses and user ids to match your system. If your system can hold TLDCRM User ID’s you can just set them to what they are by default.
Rules for how statuses work match how they work in the Contact screen.
Fields and Products
Added some quality of life changes to fields. Put a stop to being able to modify certain key fields. Added Field Settings to be able to customize fields further when necessary (commissions).
Asterisk Upgrade
Asterisk is now at the latest version 15.1
- This should help fix chanspy crashes.