TLD CRM BoostPatch 6.2.0

Lots of visual updates in this patch. It may cause some confusion for some but will be easier to navigate in the long run. Due to the amount of features we have been adding everything was getting jumbled up into the “Settings” section. We have added a new sidebar to remedy this situation!

IMPORTANT: Changes to User Top Menu

  • Dialer” has been renamed to “New Contact“, since this is a clearer indication as to what it does.
  • We have retained “Leads” and “Customers” for Convenience. Customers still has it’s dropdown but it has had icons added to it.
  • All Top Menu items now have Icons.
  • Logs has been removed and placed in the left sidebar.
  • Manage Users has been removed from the profile dropdown.
  • Profile” has been changed to “Admin Dashboard
  • Profile” now allows a user to edit his details. The details are limited, but the user can change their email, username and password along other non-critical preferences.
  • Reports has been removed and placed in the left sidebar.
    • Reports now has a dropdown of all reports available, grouped with icons by type.
  • Removed support items.
    • Moved to Support under Left Sidebar
  • Removed TLDSIP
    • Moved to Support under Left Sidebar
  • Changed “Roles” to “Roles & Abilities”
    • *Fixed issue with underscores and lack of Caps on longer named abilities.
  • Settings has been removed and it’s respective items moved into the left sidebar
    • Callbacks -> Leads
    • Commissions -> Commissions
    • Documents -> Media
    • Fields -> Settings
    • Mailer -> Marketing
    • Options -> Settings
    • Products -> Settings
    • Recordings -> Media
    • Templates -> Media
    • Relays -> Leads
    • Vendors -> Leads

Moar Icons! Yay!

We have added brand spanking new icons to the whole menu system and have tried to keep as consistent as we can with different items and sections. This will give a more visual flavor to the system to identify different sections better. We will be adding more icons to the system in spots where they make sense. We hope you will be happy with the new icons! Icons have even been aded to individ

New Left Sidebar!

  • All users have access to the new Sidebar, although different Roles and Abilities will show or hide certain menu options.
  • Sidebar opens and closes by pressing the Hamburger Icon. It looks like 3 little bars.
    • Sidebar will stay open on refresh
  • Sidebar Menu items will slide open on click
    • Sidebar menu items will stay open or closed on refresh.
  • Sidebar has been Organized as Follows
    • New Contact (Dialer)
    • Dashboard
    • Leads
    • Customers
    • Marketing
    • Users
    • Media
    • Logs
    • Reports
    • Commissions
    • Settings
    • Support

New “My Business” Top Menu Dropdown!

The new My Business section holds a ton of new features for Agencies and Call Centers alike. You can now assign “My” abilities to agents to allow them to have access to admin-like sections of the CRM that are specifically pre filtered just for them. This is for companies that want to give their agents a little more control over their leads, policies and data, as it will allow them to list and search just like admins, albeit limited to only their pool of data. If you want them to have access to the full leads or policies section just give them the “View” abilities (View Leads, View Policies) or give them a higher role!

  • My Dashboard
    • This is simply a quick link to the home page / dashboard
  • My Leads
    • Shows leads that where created by or converted by the user.
  • My Customers
    • Shows policies that where created by, converted by, or the agent of record is set to the user.
  • My Callbacks
    • Shows callbacks created by the user.
    • User can Trash or Complete Callbacks by clicking the X or the Checkmark.
  • My Appointments
    • Shows appointments created by or scheduled to the user.
  • My Calendar
    • Shows a mix of appointments and callbacks for the user
    • * We may expand this to also show conversion information in the future for leads and policies if there is enough feedback.
  • My CSR’s
    • Shows CSR Requests assigned to the specified user.

New Abilities

Appointments, Callbacks and Calendar do not require a user to have special permissions because there is intent for the agent to take action and manage this data.

  • My Leads
  • My Customers
  • My CSR’s
  • View Callbacks
  • View Appointments
  • View Calendar
  • Export Callbacks
  • Export Appointments


  • Callbacks has had a “Description” added to it so you will know a little more as to what the callback is for. This is not considered a note and is on the callback only.
  • Callbacks now show in Calendar, Callbacks, My Calender and My Callbacks.
  • Callbacks can now be toggled as “Completed” or “Trashed”
  • Callbacks can now be Mass Reassigned
  • Trashed Callbacks can be Untrashed
    • Untrashed callbacks still count toward your maximum callbacks.
  • Completed Callbacks cannot be rescheduled or trashed
  • Callbacks now have a “completer” field to denote who completed the callback, as callbacks can now be reassigned or completed by admins.
  • Callbacks can now be Rescheduled / Edited!
    • A reschedule Counter will be visible in the Callbacks and My Callbacks section.
    • Rescheduled callbacks still count toward your maximum callbacks.


The events section lets you put a calendar of events together so agents can choose to RSVP a lead by setting a RSVP Appointment! Events can be found under “Settings” in the left sidebar menu.

  • Events have their own locations, when an appointment is tied to an event, the event data is copied automatically to the appointment
  • When an Event is updated it automatically updates all appointments for the event.
  • Viewing an Event will show a Google Map of the location selected.
  • Viewing an Event will show an “Add to Calendar” link which allows you to add it to any of your third party calendars such as Gmail and Outlook.
  • *Still Under Development
    • Send Email and Send Relay are currently under Development
      • This will send an email when an attendee is Registered for an event, but not when an appointment is edited. This only works for new events.
      • An option will be added later to send an Update Email to all Attendees if something changes
      • The email sent will be based on a standard template OR a chosen template on the event.
      • The add to calendar link will also be provided in emails later.
    • Public RSVP and Public Roster are currently under Development
      • Public RSVP will allow you to give a link for someone to register on their own. This will search for a lead in the database or insert a new one based on the given information.
      • Public Roster will allow someone outside of the system (not logged in, or via user link) to Check People as Attended or Missed
      • There will also be a Non Public Roster for admins to check off who showed up and who didn’t.


  • Appointments can be Enabled under Options -> Dialer Tab -> Appointments
  • Appointments are an alternative to Callbacks for 3 purposes.
    1. In House visit
    2. In Office Visit
    3. RSVP
      • RSVP will allow you to choose an event to RSVP to and hides Appointment Fields since they are taken care of by the Event System.
      • RSVP’s are not assigned to an agent.
      • RSVP’s will have event details copied from the event automatically on save and update.
  • An “Appointment” status can now be found in the right hand dialer disposition menu. It will give you an Appointment popup.
  • You can also add a description to the event as well as custom address information to show on the appointment.
  • You can set an appointment for a specific user in the system if so desired and it will show up in their appointments and calendar.
  • Appointments and RSVP’s you create will show under your My Appointments and My Calendar tab, wether you are the assigned agent or not. The user assigned will still be in the details.
  • If you are booking Appointments for Agents that do not exist in your system, or aren’t users of TLDCRM, we suggest to make them non-role accounts and set them to inactive-visible so you can select them and run reports later.
  • *Still Under Development
    • Email Notifications for the Agent receiving the Appointment with Map and Add to Calendar Link.


  • Shows a visual monthly calendar of callbacks, appointments and CSR Requests for the user with filters
  • Calendar can be switched from one month to another and from 2014 to the current year.
  • When an Appointment is an RSVP, the Event will pop up when viewing with details. and an Attendee list.
  • *Still Under Development
    • Week View
    • Day View (Upcoming)

My Calendar

  • All features same as Calendar except they are related only to your own data.
  • When viewing RSVP Events you can only see your Attendees.


  • There is now a popup that will show when you try to navigate away or close the browser after interacting with a lead and not dispositioning it. This should prevent agents from habitually closing out the window after typing in changes.
    • This options can be turned on under Settings -> Options -> Dialer -> Window Close Prompt
  • Added Appointments Tab to Right side Menu.
    • Appointments will “Convert” the lead, but not convert any policies. An In house or In Office appointment shows intent to purchase, which is why it is a conversion


  • Added PCP Name and PCP ID under Medical Information
  • New Lead Statuses:
    • Language Barrier
    • Deceased


  • Added an option in Product Validation Config related to dependents
    • Ignore Individual Policies
      • This will skip validation for dependents when the policy selected is an individual policy.
    • Ignore Excluded Dependents
      • This will skip validation for dependents when the dependent has “Exclude from Policies” checked.
  • Adding the Product Validation Options section gives us some more flexibility to add new validation rules based on client feedback.

User Groups

  • User Group Names now show in square brackets [GROUPNAME] next to the Users name of the person in Select and Checkbox menus similar to the [INACTIVE] flag with [INACTIVE] always being last


  • You can now add Inactive and Inactive Visible users past your seat cap. This is useful for booking appointments for agents not using the system. You will not be able to activate those users without a license. They cannot log in.


  • Did a little more cleanup and optimization of the Options section for ease of use.
    • Added Icons for Save and Toggles instead of the big blue Save Buttons.
    • Standardized Texts to try to always be positive (Visible, Enabled, etc)
  • Added Appointments Option under Dialer.


  • We have done more prep for the upcoming commissions module. Icons will show up under “Commissions” shortly!


  • Added Export List and Summary to Production Report


  • Fixed issue with Layout when using Quote Tool Dropdown
  • Fixed a bug with Agent Dashboard First and Last Name.
  • Fixed a bug with Quick Search First and Last Name.
  • Fixed a bug when adding Vendors, not seeing the States Checkboxes.
  • Fixed a bug with Policy Date Sold Filters
  • Fixed a bug with Agent of Records on the User Edit screen. The next time you set a user as Agent of Record it will show them in lists again.


Reworked some major modules to decouple them for future use. All nice and clean now! Also added some new features to allow for faster development of new modules.

Updated Icon Framework.