Patch 6.1.0
- Vendors has been restructured into a tabbed format for ease of use.
- Contact Section has been added to Vendors
- You can use this section to keep contact info on your vendors.
- Sales, Billing and Support Emails Fields have been added
- In the next few patches, these emails will be used to optionally send daily status and dupe / invalid state rejection reports to your vendors automatically on different schedules (dailty, monthly)
- Vendor Lead Validation
- Prevent your agents from missing critical information by requiring certain lead fields be filled out before dispositioning a lead.
- This works along side the Product Validation system form patch 6.0.5 and can be used separately or jointly
- Prevent your agents from missing critical information by requiring certain lead fields be filled out before dispositioning a lead.
- Disable Touchpoints for Vendor
- Your vendors can now individually ignore the touchpoint system in case you do want to receive duplicate leads on inbound calls for that vendor instead of looking up another lead and placing the touchpoint for this vendor.
- New Fields!
- Drivers License
- Drivers License State
- Country of Birth
- Draft Date
- Mothers Maiden Name
- Medicaid Level
- fdbe
- qmb+
- qmb
- slmb+
- slmb
- qi
- Change to AEP Eligible Field
- No longer a Checkbox
- Now a DropDown
- Ineligible
- AEP Eligible
- SEP Eligible
- AEP & SEP Eligible
- Out of Network
- Terms
- Terms is how many times the policy can or will renew
- Some policies from certain carriers auto renew as a different policy with a different Policy Number at certain intervals
- In this case for a policy with 2 terms, you would select the term total, and current term for each policy for tracking purposes.
- If a policy has no term limits, you can select Auto Renew by default.
- Term Total
- Unlimited
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Term Current
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Terms is how many times the policy can or will renew
- You can now search by multiple lead id’s separated by ” “, “,”, “:”, or “;”.
- Post Dates, Payment Issues, Insufficient Data, and Carrier Declined Customer sections now auto sort as they did before. You can override this with the sort filters.