Patch 4.90
- Document Uploader
- You can now attach documents to individual policies (To Contact / Lead coming next)
- Documents can be downloaded after uploaded.
- Documents can have descriptions.
- Max 10mb Files
- File Types Accepted: pdf|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|zip|7z|rar|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|txt|tiff
- Files are stored on our server securely and backed up nightly. There is no direct access to files you must go through the CRM.
- Pending Approval
- There is a new status called Pending Approval that will show up if the option is checked in the Options section. This will appear after Submissions.
- Pending Approval Customer section coming next patch
- Marketplace Welcome Email
- You can configure an alternate Welcome Email for the Marketplace in the Options Section. It will appear near the latest Welcome Email.
- Marketplace Tools
- We have added a document tracker for Marketplace sales. Once Marketplace is selected you will be able to check boxes to determine which documents are remaining or needed.
- The Customer section has been updated with options to search for present or missing documents individually or in any combination.
- The Marketplace section has it’s own well once marketplace is selected for future Marketplace tools.