Patch 10.1.2
SMS Double Opt In
SMS Double Opt in is now Available even when not fully configured. The button should now show on the TLMessenger Window.
We have created Default Opt In Request, Opt In Confirmation, Opt Out Confirm, and SMS Help that are Compliant with 10DLC and uses the recommended Limited Character length.
If you have your Brand Registered, it will automatically use the Brand Display Name, Phone Number and Website you registered with, otherwise it will fall back to your account default Description, Phone and Website
We have decided to use ENROLL and UNENROLL as the Keywords to determine if a person wants to double opt in or not.
You can override the default Messages, and the Keyword to Subscribe and Unsubscribe, however ENROLL And UNENROLL will now always be valid along with your other keywords.
The HELP Message Currently cannot be overriden because for 10DLC Compliance Reasons it must be under 160 Characters and Specify certain things which we are automatically handling.
Quick Summary and Other Information:
- Double Opt In Button Now shows regardless of Requiring Double opt in for Automated Messages in the Settings Panel
- If you press the Doube Opt in button, and the client is already opted in it will simply return an error.
- You can’t attempt to send the Double Opt in more than once every 60 seconds.
- Added Automatic HELP Message Response.
- Uses Account Brand for Messaging.
- ENROLL and UNENROLL will always work for Double Opt in or Opt Out.
Other Changes
- Added Filters for User Dropdowns on Contact Lead and Policies
- AOR Dropdown on Policies
- Removed some Unneeded System Users from Menu
- Added NPN Numbers to display and filter by.
- Now Respects Agent of Record Flag for Cross Account Users and pulls NPN from the Current Account
- Added Open Calls Icon on Explore Sections to Quickly Access the Advanced Call Log and Filter for Phone Number