CMS Cracks Down on Unauthorized Enrollment Changes
CMS has implemented stringent new guidelines to combat a surge in unauthorized consumer enrollment changes by agents and brokers. While these measures aim to protect consumers, they also create an opportunity for increased phishing attempts when obtaining consumer consent. To safeguard consumer information and enhance trust, TLD offers essential tips for effective communication and security practices.- For texting, indicate the number the message is coming from. Include the agent’s name and/or company name for easy identification. When possible, stay on the line with the consumer to confirm receipt.
- For eSign, provide clear instructions on how to complete the eSign process and offer assistance if needed. Emphasize the security of the eSign platform to alleviate concerns about data privacy.
- Let the customer know that the information will be used to process the enrollment and generate necessary documents. Reiterate that consumer information will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent.
- When utilizing email let the consumer know where the email is coming from and/or the subject to avoid confusion.